Information from our server ReapersRo

We are a high rates Hispanic server that will provide fun when looking for teams and playing PvP and Woe. We aim to be able to accompany you for a long time, the support we will receive from you is essential! So what are you waiting for? Join us and live this unique experience! You will find detailed information below, have a good day.

Information for FluxRO
server Pree Renewal
Max Level 255/120
Max Stats 255 (2do job)
Max ASPD 196
Server start July 6, 2024
Party participation rank 30 Levels
Drop Rates
Base & Job 25x
Quest 100x
Equip Drop 80x
Normal Card Drop 8%
MiniBoss Card Drop 3%
MVPBoss Card Drop 1%
MVP LHZ Card Drop 0.60%
Bloody Branch Drop 3%
Braker Emperium Drop 3%
Emperiencia 5000.00x/Job 5000.00x

 Characteristics Custom

Here we show the custom sections that our server contains to maintain a long-lasting and fun stay. We are convinced that with these customs we maintain a balance with which you can feel confident that we represent a balanced server. These items are placed by levels. Here we present a little about our server ReapersRo

Quest Custom +10 Quest Custom +13
Quest Koe Quest Woe
Quest Diamantes Quest Costumes
Quest MvP Quest Emperom
Quest de Invitacion Quest de Misiones

 Automatic Events

The events on ReapersRo are organized in such a way that users can have fun. It is also a way for users to make their teams through these events collecting important pieces and much more.


  WoE times (Server Time)
War of Emperium: First Edition Martes 8:00PM 9:00Pm Jueves 8:00PM 9:00Pm Sabado 8:00PM 9:00Pm Domingo 8:00PM 9:00Pm

 Server statistics

Accounts 339 created
Characters 757 named
Guilds 31 established
Parties 93 formed
Zeny 11,824,287,676 collected