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Showing players on-line FluxRO.


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Found a total of 15 record(s) across 1 page(s). Displaying result(s) 1-15.

1 person has chosen to hide themselves from this list.

Character Name ▲ Job Class Base Level Job Level Guild Map
B E H 0 Champion 255 120 Exile of Hell Hidden
Chumbimba Gypsy 255 120 Brotherhood of the Snak Hidden
Dean Assassin Cross 255 120 Umbrella Hidden
elainny Champion 255 1 None Hidden
Felow Novice 1 1 None Hidden
Fist Creator 255 120 Exile of Hell Hidden
Gawain Lord Knight 255 120 Brotherhood of the Snak Hidden
Helper Novice 1 1 None Hidden
Hilary Professor 255 120 Umbrella Hidden
legenda PVP Novice 1 1 None Hidden
Minato Assassin Cross 255 120 Umbrella Hidden
Pros Lord Knight 255 1 None Hidden
Rambi Novice 1 1 None Hidden
Strik Sniper Sniper 255 120 Umbrella Hidden
Ven Hel Paladin 255 120 None Hidden